Why Having a Seating Chart is Important

We’ve all had that moment at a wedding—when you walk into an unfamiliar place and you can’t find your group. Then you panic and just sit down wherever you can find an empty seat. Amongst strangers.

Or worse, you end up at a table with a bunch of your least favorite relatives. What could be more of a mood ruiner?

You leave the event early because every minute of that reception felt like three days.

We don’t want your wedding to feel like this for guests!

When considering the important things for your wedding, PLEASE don’t skimp on taking the time to make a seating chart. They are essential for group dynamics and overall comfortability. Here are the top reasons why you should just go ahead and do one:

  1. Everyone has a place. You don’t have to worry about groups getting split up or people not knowing where to go. It is easy and straightforward and your guests know for sure that they have some people they like at their table, guaranteed.

  2. You can control awkward family or friend dynamics. If you have a few people who can’t play nice, it’s always nice to be able to dictate where and who they sit next to.

There are so many fun and creative seating charts out there! Do something that speaks to who you are as a couple.

You don’t have to necessarily do a place card for each individual guest but having the general table groupings is the best way to keep peace and make the party go all night with happy guests!