3 Things to Not Forget on Wedding Day

We know that you have SO much going on the morning of your wedding and the weeks leading up to it—things slip through the cracks and never make their way to the venue. It’s totally normal and fixable, so don’t panic. However, the more that you can plan ahead and think through the tiny details, the less stressed you’ll be on your wedding day.

As a wedding venue that sees hundreds of weddings, aside from the obvious things like marriage license, rings, dress, etc., these are three of the MAIN things that we see brides and grooms forget on wedding day:

  1. Forks for cake/dessert, etc. People always forget that you need MULTIPLE forks for the day’s events. Forks for appetizers, forks for salad, forks for dinner and forks for dessert. That’s right—at minimum, you should be renting or bringing FOUR rounds of forks.

    Is this an event ruiner if you forget them? Not in the slightest. A great venue will have backup options for you. But don’t mess up your overall wedding vibe with a bunch of clear, plastic back up forks. Plan ahead!

  2. Mole skin for blisters and boob tape for the dress. Throughout the wedding planning process, brides oftentimes forget about their own needs and focus on all of the other details. We want you to be as comfortable as possible throughout your wedding day and the best way to do that is to have comfy feet and comfy boobs! Buy the right products ahead of time to support you on your big day! Try the products out and make sure they’re a good fit for your shoes, wedding dress, etc.

  3. Breakfast/Lunch for your wedding party. These guys and gals have been with you through thick and thin but you better believe that they WILL be cursing your name on the wedding day if you forget to plan a breakfast or lunch for them. Most of them are showing up on an empty stomach, hungover from the rehearsal dinner and they are ill-prepared to handle the festivities that the day holds without a solid meal in their stomachs. Be everybody’s favorite couple and give them a hearty breakfast or lunch.

    Another great option is to delegate this task to an overachieving aunt or grandma that loves to host. It’s free for you and gives them a purpose—a true win, win!

    Pro tip: don’t forget the forks for this, either.